Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Mother in Me: Real-World Reflections on Growing Into Motherhood,by Kathryn Lynard Soper

This book was a compilation of essays and poems written by LDS woman on different stages of motherhood. I must be honest and say that I skipped over most of the poems because they've never made much sense to me. I really enjoyed reading the essays, I use essay because most of the women who wrote them have degrees in English and one can tell they are well thought out....planned, anyway not like this post (I am definitely NOT a writer) but the spirit of what they were saying came through and the book was uplifting and edifying. It is good for a young mom to read at any stage.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Sound of Rain, by Anita Stansfield

My favorite author has always been, and still is, Anita Stansfield. I've had several opportunities to meet her and have her sign my books. They are simple reads, usually with twists and turns you don't see coming.

The Sound of Rain is the 1st book in a trilogy. Of course, I wish I could wait to read this one because now I can't wait for the next 2 books to come out!(It's a trilogy series) I don't know if the library has copies of this yet. I always purchase all of Anita's books, with my 25% coupon and platinum membership at Deseret Book and get her books for around $7-9.

The Sound of Rain is about Jayson Wolfe who is an incredibly talented musician. He moves to Oregon with his Mom and Brother, meets his best friend, of course a girl, and expands his talent in music. This book had me laughing out loud, crying, anxious and many other emotions. I couldn't put it down. I totally recommend it! Below is a link to Anita's website where there is a complete list of all the books she's written. The library carries most of them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Host, by Stephenie Meyer

I finished reading the Host and LOVED it. Which shocks me, since I didn't know how I'd feel about aliens using humans as their host bodies. However, I fell in love with Melanie....and some others that I won't name so I don't ruin it for anyone. And the aliens are actually a very pleasant, happy, non violent group. The Host gripped me and I read it in a few days (staying up until the wee hours of the morning). In the beginning I did have to kind of see through the sci-fi part and focus on the story, and then it took off for me.

I hadn't heard great things about this book, so it made me even more skeptical. I'm happy to say that I totally loved it, will read it again and totally recommend it.

Now on to Breaking poor, neglected family and house and everything!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Breaking Dawn

So minutes ago I finished Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, and without giving anything away I wanted to say that I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a nice end to the series.

Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4th, Fool Me Twice, Stephanie Black

I just finished reading Fool Me Twice by Stephanie Black.

It's about twin girls, one twin, Megan doing anything for the approval of her sister Kristine. Megan is a sweet, innocent, would do anything for anyone kind of girl. Kristine is a cold hearted, manipulating, dishonest, worldly girlie. The story is full of suspense. I couldn't put it down. There are some events that happen that you can see coming, but others that surprised me. Overall I thought it was a good read. Very simple reading. I totally recommend it.

(Funny note for those who know Michael Drake....his name is used as the Dad of Rachel Drake and I couldn't help but picture Angie's Michael Drake every time his name was written!)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Book of a Thousand Days

I just read this book by Shannon Hale called Book of a Thousand Days. It was a great book. It was a quick and easy read and enjoyable. I highly recommend it.

PS- I just put all the books by Shannon Guymon on hold at the library. I am excited for a new author!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Author: Shannon Guymon

Cara said: Shannon Guymon is my new favorite author (for the minute). I've just finished all of her books (at least that are at the library.) They are easy reading, great stories, very easy to follow and easy to relate to all the characters. I totally recommend her books!

Soul Searching
A Trusting Heart
Justifiable Means

Mindi said: I read Makeover a few months back and found it to be a good read. The book is about a girl who gets dumped by her missionary shortly after he returns home, and about some of the ways she with the aide of her friend get revenge. The plot was different than I thought it would be, and it makes for a quick, nice read.

Monday, July 21, 2008


So here it is, what do you think? Cara had come up with a really great suggestion for a name for this blog (whatareyoureading.) but other's had already taken it in every way. Wah! So I fell back on what I had originally come up with, and that's "our book opinions". It is my hope that this little blog will become a great resource among us as friends to share our opinions on the books we read, and that in turn we may find great reads from other's opinions. Please leave a comment if you would like to leave posts, and I will e-mail the necessary information.