Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8th, Eyes of an Angel by Dan Yates

This book was a quick, easy read. Allison Barker gets to be a guardian angel for her husband, Ivan. Ivan has some serious trials to over come. Allison gets special permission to allow Ivan to see her. At first he thinks he's gone crazy, but then comes to believe her. This story involves kidnappings, an unsolved murder, ransom money, being framed for a murder and many other things. I liked his style of writing.

Dan Yates is a former Bishop and high councilor. He likes to write about angels. Here's what some of his previous novels are:
Angels Don't Knock
Just Call Me an Angel
Angels to the Rescue
An Angel in the Family
It Takes an Angel
An Angel's Christmas
An Angel on Vacation
An Angel in Time

I look forward to reading more of his books.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I finished the series. The Great & the Terrible, Vol. 5, From the end of Heaven & The Great and the Terrible, Vol. 6, Clear as the Moon.

I would recommend this series to everyone. I think I already said that. I loved it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Great and the Terrible

The Great and the Terrible, Vol. 4, Fury & Light, Chris Stewart

Still LOVING this series! I don't want to say much because I don't want to ruin anything.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fields of Home-Rachel Ann Nunes

This book is about a women who is deeply in love with a man when she is younger and he abandons her and then she finds out she is pregnant with his baby. She marries someone else and is happy yet is still in love with this other man. He returns many years later and that is what the book is about. I am one the fence about this one. First because typically this author writes LDS fiction, and this book had nothing about the church in it- although it was clean and it did talk about religion and God, which was okay but not LDS fiction to me. Second is was a bit predictable and like other books of this nature a little untrue to real life... that said it was an okay read for me.

Toss the Guilt and Catch the Joy

This book is by Merrilee Boyack. It is about how to feel less guilty about the things we feel guilt over in our lives, and how to be happier. I really enjoyed this book, in fact I bought it because I intend to refer back to it as necessary. It was nice to "learn" how to let go of feeling guilty and have more joy and be happier. The author is LDS, and she is a very good writer and this was a enjoyable, great read. I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fablehaven 1- Brandon Mull

I've been reading Fablehaven with my 10 year old son every night. We just finished the book tonight. I was surprised at how much I liked it. It's not my usual liking, but it kept my attention. I look forward to reading the 2nd book with him. This is a good one to read with your kids.

Book 3....

The Great and the Terrible, Vol. 3, The Second Sun, Chris Stewart

Love it! Not much more to say....I wouldn't want to ruin anything by giving stuff away. You just must read this series...=)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm addicted.....

Ok, just finished book 2 of The Great and the Terrible, Where Angels Fall by Chris Stewart. I'm halfway through book 3, The Second Sun. I am totally into this series and would recommend it to all. (Just ask my hubby when at 2am he awakes and looks at me like I'm crazy and tells me to turn the lamp off and go to sleep! And then tells me that lights should be out at a 11pm...I say you bet, except when I'm in the middle of a series, to which he replies, is always. He got me there.=)


Saturday, March 7, 2009

A few books I've read and liked

So I've totally slacked on posting the good books I have read. I put them on my blog then forget to put them here. So here's what I've read since Jan. 1st, 2009. I will put little side notes next to them.

  • The Great and the Terrible, Volume 1 Prolouge The Brothers by Chris Stewart I started this series 2 nights ago and already have read this book and half of book 2. I can't put them down. It gets you thinking. I think you'll either love them or hate them. It's written simply, easy to follow, easy to read.
  • It's Okay to Take a Nap, Debra Sansing Woods
  • A Candle at the Window, Michele Bell Another sweet short story from Deseret Book.
  • Winds of Hope, Anita Stansfield This is the next book in the Jason Wolfe saga. It has hope in the title for a reason. It for sure helps make up for all the things that happened in book 2. Book one is The Sound of Rain, 2 is A Distant Thunder and Winds of Hope is #3. Book 4 should be coming out soon...the final book...can't wait!
  • Recovering Charles, Jason F. Wright The story was based around hurricane Katrina, a son who wants nothing to do with his dead beat Dad, and all that the son learns while trying to recover Charles, his Dad. It was ok to read once for me.
  • Eyes of a Stranger, Rachel Ann Nunes This was interesting....I liked it.
  • Promises to Keep: Diane's Story, Dean Hughes A good one to read once.
  • Beloved Emma, Lori E Woodland I loved this book. I love anything about Joseph Smith, but this gave a little more insight to what Emma had to go through being the wife of the prophet. What an AMAZING woman. It did have details of Joseph...because they were so close. I recommend this book to everyone.
  • It's Okay to Take a Nap, Debra Sansing Woods As you can see, I've read this one twice. It's an easy reader, filled with helps from getting good sleep, teaching our children, and taking care of ourselves. I enjoyed it.
  • A Candle at the Window, Michele Bell This is a short book from Deseret Book that came out at Christmas time. It was a simple, cute story.